Freitag, 12. Juni 2015

The Puddlefords - another new family in Marigold Creek

Dear Readers,

recently I got the Puddleford duck family - and I'm sooo proud to have them! They were on my number one wishlist, cause they're so special. 
So, welcome: Ernest, Jemima, Qiek, Quäk and Quak Puddleford (Aren't I so creative with their names? *laughs*).

After the shooting the family had some direction problems...

... but they fixed it soon^^.

Little Quak loves playing with his mum's hat.

Look how cute their little faces are!!!

Unfortunately I don't have much time today, so it will be just a short post, but I promise I'll upload the bios of family Roquefort and Puddleford soon :)

Yours Kyra

13 Kommentare:

  1. Aw! They are so cute, bless them :D I love their names - especially Jemima!

    1. :D thank youuu! Yes, she remembered me so much on Jemima Puddleduck :D

  2. Wonderful! They are an adorable little family! You got very creative with their names! :D

  3. Quacktastic! This family is super cute.

  4. They are really so cute!!! And I love the photos where they seem lost!

  5. Aww, they are so cute! I'm so happy you get them! hahaha, I love the names XD

  6. Lucky you! I adore the Puddlefords ♥
    My Mrs. Daffodil's maiden name is Puddleford, so it looks like our families might be distantly related.

    1. Thank you so much :). I would be very happy if the two could be related! Mrs. Daffodil could be Ernest's sister?

  7. How adorable! Haha I love the names :) The bonnett on Quak makes me crack up! ... or should I say, it "quacks" me up? ;D
